Call of Doody Services provides a yard and lawn clean-up service on a regular (once, twice or three times per week) schedule. Our highly trained soldiers visit residential homes and provide the clean-up in a professional, courteous manner. All of our soldiers wear easily distinguishable uniforms and are dependable. Our soldiers scoop the dog waste or as we call it “landmines” into biodegradable bags and treat the area with spray containing enzymes which speed the breakdown (if there are any remnants on the grass).

The yard is covered in a pattern which ensures that the whole yard is covered two times and that no spots are missed. However, from time to time dog waste can be missed, and when that happens we will return and collect any you spot within 24 hours – that is our 100% Guarantee of Satisfaction. Once the clean-up is completed, Call of Doody will take the waste with them, removing it from your property. This waste is later deposited in specially designated landfill. Each time a Call of Doody leaves a customer's property, they spray disinfectant on their tools and the soles of their boots, to stop any possible spread of infection or diseases. As a secondary service, our operators will note if the waste shows signs of the dog potentially having a disease or parasite and the owner will be alerted.

We at Call of Doody thank you for taking the time to stop by our site and considering us for your pet waste removal service.

